Write something about digital marketing.
It is a list of my favorite songs. I will update it from time to time.
December 2023 The Big Cloud Exit FAQ by @dhh This isn’t some archaic knowledge that’s been lost to the ages. We might not know exactly how the pyramids were built, but we do still know how to connect a Linux machine to the internet.
I think many of us are forgetting this.
“buy the baseline, rent the spike”
100% agree.
Constant Propagation in Compiler Design In simpler words, we can say that if some value is assigned a known constant, than we can simply replace the that value by constant.
Write about interior design.
Good reads Modern Bloom Filters: 22x Faster!
Reflections on Career Advancement: Understanding the Power of Relationships and Reputation Anyone can become a Director by working hard enough. To become a Sr. Director, someone needs to push you. To become a VP, several people need to pull for you. Check job postings weekly and ensure you have at least one job interview a year. Almost no one applying for a certain position lacks the qualifications. People who can hardly go wrong even if chosen with eyes closed are the ones who get the interview opportunities.
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