(Book) Unusual Challenges(유난한 도전)

  • 지은이: 정경화
  • ISBN: 979-11-91211-86-3 03320

At some point, the phrase Get it done(해내세요) became a team mantra. … It was an expression of the belief that nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of willpower and execution. To a teammate who was making excuses, Get it done meant don't make excuses. To a teammate who was working toward an unattainable goal, Get it done was a cheer.

– p 91

토스x에서는 BO 한 사람이 3~4가지 아이템을 동시에 굴리는 게 예사였다. 한 번에 한 가지만 하는 것은 사치였다. 그러니 개발자 한 명은 한꺼번에 8-9가지 제품을 맡는 경우가 허다했다. “스파게티 코드로 짜라"는 얘기가 공공연히 오갔다. 어차피 잘 안 될 거고, 안 되면 없어질 서비스이니 코드를 공들여 쓰지 말고 아무렇게나 빨리 만들라는 뜻이었다.

In TossX, it was not uncommon for a single BO to roll 3 or 4 items at the same time. Working on one thing at a time was a luxury, so it was not uncommon for a developer to be working on eight or nine products at once. “Write it in spaghetti code” was an open secret. The implication was that it wasn't going to work, and if it didn't work, it was going to go away, so don't bother writing code, just make it fast.

– p 126

  1. It was a unique situation where they were working on several experimental products at the same time.
  2. Sadly, the developers did not inspire trust in their coworkers.
  3. There was a pervasive belief throughout the organization that messing with the code would make it faster.

제품에 대한 최종 의사결정은 실무자가 내릴 수 있어야 하고, 컴플라이언스 부서는 혁신을 지원하는 쪽으로 작동해야 하며, 개발자는 비즈니스 맥락을 잘 이애해야 한다.

The final decisions about the product should be made by practitioners, compliance should work to support innovation, and developers should understand the business context.

– p 130

하지만 최준호는 자율과 책임의 문화를 지키려는 노력 자체가 가치 있음을 알아주는 사람이었다.

But, Choi Joon-ho was a person who recognized the value of the effort to maintain a culture of autonomy and accountability itself.

– p 152

정승진은 가치 판단을 보류하고 사람들의 행동 그 자체를 바라보고 독립적인 원인과 결과를 찾으려고 노력했다. 도박에서는 확정적이지 않은 보상이 핵심이었다.

Jung Seungjin suspended value judgments and looked at people's behavior for what it was, trying to find independent cause and effect. In gambling, indeterminate rewards were key.

– p 195

“우리는 미친 것처럼 보이는 꿈을 꾸지만 결국 그 꿈을 현실로 만들어낼 것” 이라는 말을 되풀이했다. 뒷말은 생략한 채였다. “그러지 않으면 우리는 죽을 테니까.”

“We dream dreams that appear insane, but we will ultimately realize them,” he repeated, leaving out the afterword. “Because if we don't, we shall perish.”

– p 223