Newsfeed 2025

March 2025

It's Useless to Speak Anyway by Hyungsuk Kim (Translated from Korean)

Expressing one's thoughts is the beginning of such change.

A job interview for software developers by @a6g (Translated from Korean)

Use any means necessary (ChatGPT usage recommended) to solve the problem.

Try sales. Don't be afraid. by Hyungsuk Kim (Translated from Korean)

  1. What do you think sales is?

First, it's about bringing revenue to the company. Second, it's about helping the people or companies that buy our product succeed. Third, it's about truly understanding what people want.

Rust is the New C by No Boilerplate

Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 10 years in the industry by Chris

Simple is not given. It takes constant work

How to influence query planning in Postgresql by Chris

From unique to cleanups and weak: new low-level tools for efficiency by Michael Knyszek

I need you. Would you like to work together? by Hyungsuk Kim (Translated from Korean)

Trimodal Nature of Tech Compensation in the US, UK and India by The Pragmatic Engineer

✨ A new record of 31,000 players online today at by @levelsio

No vision, just fun

He is really cool.

Promise less; deliver more by Kihong Bae (Translated from Korean)

We calculated the revenue we can achieve without investment, and if it looks too insignificant, then it simply means we are currently running a miserable and inadequate business that relies on external investment.

Hooking elements of the Luck Battle game by Dong Hun Lee (Translated from Korean)

The cost of Go’s panic and recover by Julien Cretel

Tips to debug hanging Go programs by Michael Stapelberg

The Power of AI: From Struggle to Leverage by Pascal BORNET

AI isn’t just a tool. It’s leverage. It amplifies individual strengths, making one person as powerful as a team.

Positions responsible for building products are already evolving overseas by Tae Hyun Kim (Translated from Korean)

  • Frontend Developer → Product Engineer
  • ML Engineer, ML Ops, Backend Developer → AI Engineer
  • PO/PM → Engineering PM
  • Marketer → Engineering Marketer
  • Designer → Engineering Designer

(comic) Focus area for the quarter by Work Chronicles


February 2025

[Handy Economy][Coffee Time] Most gukbap restaurants will struggle to survive - with Lee Jin-woo, Kim Hyun-woo, Park Se-hoon & Director Moon Jun-ho (Passion Gukbap) by Handy Economy (Translated from Korean)

Rust adoption in Linux is NOT going well… by Let's Get Rusty

[PATCH v8 2/2] rust: add dma coherent allocator abstraction.

Re: On community influencing (was Re: [PATCH v8 2/2] rust: add dma coherent allocator abstraction.) by Linus Torvalds

It has problems but problems are a fact of life. There is no perfect.

Technical patches and discussions matter. Social media brigading - no thank\k you.

Re: Rust kernel policy by Greg KH

Rust isn't a “silver bullet” that will solve all of our problems, but it sure will help in a huge number of places, so for new stuff going forward, why wouldn't we want that?

Yes, mixed language codebases are rough, and hard to maintain, but we are kernel developers dammit, we've been maintaining and strengthening Linux for longer than anyone ever thought was going to be possible.

Loyalty is destroying your career by Constantine Zaitcev

What if loyalty wasn't about length of service, but impact made?

Excuses for the company by Woojin Kim (Translated from Korean)

… I could personally feel just how overwhelmingly superior many of Lineage M’s features were compared to the other obvious competitors in the market at the time. … Because of my personal experience, I wanted to make a completely meaningless ‘Excuses for the company’ at least once. …

Rust vs. Go (Golang): Performance 2025 by Anton Putra

Does AI actually help leads get back into programming? by Jeremy Manson

2024년 회고 by Sigrid Jin

ML Product & DevRel Engineer 정체성을 발견하다

대부분의 엔지니어는 리서쳐를 어려워한다. 리서쳐는 석사, 박사를 취득한 공부쟁이이며 서비스를 모른다고 생각한다. 리서쳐는 엔지니어를 어려워한다. 코딩을 안해봤고 못할 것이라고 전제하기 때문이다. 이 둘 사이를 이어준다면 정말 엄청난 혁신이 일어날 수 있다. … 나는 리서치를 이해하는, 엔지니어가 되어야 한다고 생각하게 되었다.

Mind The convT by Max Hoffman

Implement FROM-first selects by mitsuhiko

Your Perfect Code Won’t Save You: The Real Reason I Got Fired by by Saul Burgos Davila

Times of War: There is a heavy workload, with rapid and frequent deliveries, strict deadlines, and a less relevant hierarchy. The key is to launch the product or feature as quickly as possible, even if it isn’t perfect.

Times of Peace: There is more stability and planning. Deployments happen weekly or at a slower pace, with better documentation, validation of functionalities, thorough research, and a more careful process. This scenario also tends to offer a better work-life balance.

This experience taught me that success isn’t solely about your technical mastery, but also about your ability to adapt to the pace and priorities around you—and understanding what the company truly needs.

평창 1박2일 여행명소 by 발로뛰어

GitHub Copilot: The agent awakens

January 2025

이직이 가능한 상태를 유지하자 by 취한하늘

Let's increase productivity.

Let's have enduring value.

VC 투자계약 차이: 실리콘밸리🇺🇸 vs. 한국🇰🇷 by Demo Day

Culture eats strategy for breakfast by Bernie Mckeown