# C++ to Go
## Introducing Ziegel
## Luft
- Ziegel and TrailDB
## [Luft](https://engineering.ab180.co/stories/introducing-luft)
- OLAP database for analize the analyzing user behavior in real-time
- Use TrailDB as a storage
- Written in C/C++ and Go
## [TrailDB](https://traildb.io/)
- TrailDB is an efficient tool for storing and querying series of events
- Written in C
## [Ziegel](https://engineering.ab180.co/stories/traildb-to-ziegel)
- New storage engine for the Luft
- Written in Go
## Why?
- TrailDB has been a suitable solution for the Luft
- But development was halted in 2019
- Issues with peformance and productivity
## Issues
1. Inefficient multi-core utilization
// finalize. this could take a while with idle CPU usage but don't panic.
// it's not freeze;
// it's because TrailDB indexing process is not parallelized yet :(
2. Row store data structure
3. Use multiple language: C/C++ and Go
## Journey for the migration
1. Add more tests for consistency verification
2. Add interface for engine replacement
- With this interface, we can easily replace the engine(partial or full)
3. Implement storage engine
4. Peformance tuning
- 2x fater for the ingestion, 1.2 slower for the query
## Peformance tuning
### Measuring performance
Go provides great tools for measuring performance.
- pprof
- Experience of being able to easily check the disassemble results on the web was amazing.
- embedded benchmarking system
Total: 11.55s 22.23s (flat, cum) 14.49%
. 4.22s state = pool.Get() 1b8b819: LEAQ query.pool(SB), AX combiner.go:38
. 4.22s 1b8b820: CALL sync.(*Pool).Get(SB) group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8b825: LEAQ 0x48c734(IP), CX group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8b82c: CMPQ CX, AX group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8b82f: JNE 0x1b8c353 group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8b853: MOVQ BX, 0xd0(SP) group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8c353: MOVQ CX, BX group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8c356: LEAQ 0x366183(IP), CX group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8c35d: NOPL 0(AX) group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8c360: CALL runtime.panicdottypeE(SB) group_by_combiner.go:38
. . 1b8c365: NOPL group_by_combiner.go:38
### Add benchmarks for the meseurement
- Add benchmarks early for the measurement
- This allows you to see how much a specific commit affected overall performance

## Impressive optimizations
### Do not type assert to interfece
- Memory allocation on type assertion is too huge
fund GetValue(v string) interface{} {
return v.(interface{})
func convTstring(val string) (x unsafe.Pointer) {
if val == "" {
x = unsafe.Pointer(&zeroVal[0])
} else {
x = mallocgc(unsafe.Sizeof(val), stringType, true)
*(*string)(x) = val
### Object pooling with `sync.Pool`
`sync.Pool` is a great simple tool for object pooling
### Load balancing
- During ingestion, there were cases where tasks were concentrated on a specific node and the total execution time was increased.
- With load balancing, the execution time was significantly reduced easily.
## Hard works
### With `unsafe`, Go is not a safe zone too
During ingestion, strange values were written to some bytes of the result data for an unknown reason.
// ~6x faster than ByteOrder.PutUint32
func PutUint64(data []byte, val uint64) {
data64 := *(*[]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
data64[0] = val
- After long periods of debugging, I found misuse of the unsafe package.
- I'm conservative about the unsafe package now.
### If you want mange memory directly,
### It's hard in Go.
- Go's garbage collector is great
- But if you want high performance you'll need to do the memory management yourself.
- However, changing the paradigm from garbage collector to direct memory management was not easy.
- e.g. How can you handle this case?
type Writer struct {
c chan []byte
func (w *Writer) Write(data []byte) {
w.c <- data
### `syns.Pool` is good
### But not good enough for us
- It's a great implementation, but we allocate/free memory too often and too much
- So we need more direct way to manage memory.
## Colclusion
- Peformance in production
- Ingestion is up to 1.7x faster
- Queries maintain roughly the same
- There are still parts that operate inefficiently to maintain a TrailDB-compatible interface
- After remove this inefficient parts, the performance will be improved more
1. Remove TrailDB compatibility
2. More efficient memory management
3. Support very fast autoscale
4. Download partial column only if needed
- Pre requirment for the very fast autoscale
5. User level filter
## Takeaways
- Introduce Luft
- Why
- Issues
- Journey
- Peformance tuning
- Hard works
## Personal opinion that Go over C++
- Productivity is much better
- Do not need verty high level of language skill(easy to hire)
- Finally, Go can do better performance like our product
# Q & A